Cutting Edge

Description: Low-maintenance grass seed
Main Pitch: "The greatest innovation in the history of lawn care"
Main Offer: $19.95 for a 1-lb bag
Bonus: 2nd bag (just pay S&H)
Marketer: Harvest
Prediction: Likely to succeed

Main Pitch: "Get a gorgeous lawn that's virtually maintenance free"
Main Offer: $14.99 for a 1-lb bag
Bonus: 2nd bag, Pocket Hose (just pay a separate fee)
Marketer: Telebrands
Prediction: Likely to succeed
Although I am posting it here for the purposes of the duel, I first blogged about Cutting Edge in June -- a much better time to test a grass seed. However, neither seasonality nor Telebrands late entry into the game will matter.
The bonus for Grassology is the Pocket Hose, and that is apt given what I fully expect will happen next season when these projects return. That is, Telebrands will quickly dominate retail, turning Cutting Edge into another X-Hose. There is no 'first mover advantage' when Telebrands is your competitor.
As for my predictions, they are about the product and not the particular marketer. I always liked the idea of a maintenance-free lawn. The problem with the Cutting Edge creative was too much hyperbole, but the commercial for Grassology doesn't seem to have repeated that mistake.
Regardless, look for this one to be the next Patch Perfect.