Description: A tablet/book holder
Main Pitch: "The ingenious, adjustable caddy for your tablet that turns a tough time into comfy time"
Main Offer: $14.95 for one
Bonus: 2nd one (just pay P&H)
Marketer: Allstar
Producer: The Schwartz Group
Prediction: Unlikely to succeed
This is the third attempt at selling a tablet and/or book holder I've noted in as many weeks (Book Genie and Lappy were the other two). This might have been a 'dueling products' feature except the designs and functionality of each product are quite different. I guess we are going to find out if this is a category very quickly.
Although this product has a much better design than the others, I stand by my earlier comments: "The problem this product solves is fairly low on the pain scale" and the "pitch is really about convenience, which is typically insufficient for motivating people off the couch."