October 27, 2015

Z Band

Description: A chin strap
Main Pitch: "Stops the snore so you sleep more"
Main Offer: $19.99 for one
Bonus: Free shipping
Marketer: Telebrands
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This product was tried by Top Dog in the spring of this year under the name Be Quiet. What's different is the price has doubled to $19.99 from $10. The offset is there is no BOGO with double S&H or a separate fee attached. In fact, there is no S&H of any kind -- even on the base offer. This is a first as far as I know. I don't think anyone has tried it with a $19.99 product. Some (e.g. IdeaVillage) eliminated BOGOs and bonuses with additional fees long ago. But not charging anything except $19.99 is a new extreme.

S7 Analysis: My assessment from last time stands: The target here is a segment of a segment and the available solutions are many; i.e. the category is not uncrowded. However, a good solution is surely needed by those who suffer with snoring, so those shortcomings can be overcome if the product is viewed as different enough to be worth trying.