April 23, 2015

Comfy Up

Description: A seat cushion
Main Pitch: "Boosts you up out of any chair and transforms hard chairs into cozy, comfortable seats"
Main Offer: $19.99 for one
Bonus: 2nd one (just pay a separate fee)
Marketer: Telebrands (2014's True Top Marketer)
Watch the spot

At first glance, this appears to be a generic version of Forever Comfy (a 2013 True Top Spender). As the commercial develops, it becomes clear that instead of using gel as the point of difference, they've gone senior with a boost pitch. There have been a handful of attempts at making that pitch work (e.g. IdeaVillage's EZ-Up), but no successes yet. As for the commercial, it gets something important right that the recent creative for Snuggle Up Fleece (see No. 9 in today's Round-Up) didn't -- or maybe couldn't. That is, the chairs look hard and uncomfortable without the product.

S7 Analysis: My general opinion is that seniors-only products aren't right for DRTV because the target market is too narrow. That said, Telebrands has contradicted this idea once or twice (most recently with Ankle Genie, a 2014 True Top Spender), and the added pitch toward kids helps as well. I just don't know that an everyday boost is needed enough to motivate prospects off the couch. Besides, how would they get up to order?