October 14, 2014

One Touch Can Opener: Old Gold? (2)

New Name: Smart Touch Can Opener
Current Marketer: Telebrands
Original Hit Year: 2006 (No. 13 on the JW Annual)
Original Marketer: Cricket
Website: www.BuySmartTouch.com
Prediction: Unlikely to succeed

This is a second attempt to discover 'Old Gold.' The first was by Harvest and was called the Tornado Can Opener.

Although the timing is getting better, my general feeling about gimmicky items like these is that it takes a long time for them to rise again -- if that is even possible. A full 10 years may not be long enough for people to forget that last time they (or someone they know) fell for this over-promise. And for those who may be forgetful, it is just too easy to 'Google the past' these days.

[Spot is also available here.]