Description: A non-stick pan
Main Pitch: "Everything slides right out of the pan"
Main Offer: $19.99 for one
Bonus: 3-piece knife set (just pay P&H)
Marketer: Tristar
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Non-stick pans are suddenly hot again (no pun intended), and it's only two years since OrGreenic took the industry by storm. That's surprising to me given the normal repeat rate and the fate of Telebrands' 2014 attempt to launch a new non-stick pan (see Slip Stone Pan). But there can be no doubt something is happening in the marketplace. Emson's Gotham Steel pan just hit No. 1 on the Jordan Whitney and has the clear lead. Tristar may have difficulty catching up.
Interestingly, it wouldn't exactly be a duel if they did. Emson's pan chose "ceramic titanium" as its twist. Tristar is trying to leverage consumers' fascination with copper. I'm not sure that makes sense, though. Joint and muscle pain have little in common with cooking -- unless you're seriously doing it wrong!