Description: Food storage containers
Main Pitch: "The amazing food storage container with the lid attached, so you never lose the lid"
Main Offer: $19.95 for 12 in various sizes
Bonus: 12 more (just pay additional P&H), free deluxe container with condiment cup
Prediction: Unlikely to succeed
This one's an industry 'been there, done that.' Unless something totally new and different comes along, I declare food storage containers to be another dead category (always with the caveat "for now"). This just doesn't strike me as a category that recycles hits. There are too many other options on the market.
The product also felt unoriginal and uninspiring. A hinged lid doesn't seem like anything to get excited about, and the standard "vacuum seal" pitch has less credibility than usual when you see how this works. Even if food storage containers were a good bet these days, I just don't see this one motivating anyone off the couch. About the only thing it has going for it is a decent-size offer.