January 28, 2013

Salon Bronze Reach

Description: A sunless tanner
Main Pitch: "The airbrush tanning system that gives you a safe, gorgeous tan any time you want"
Main Offer: $14.99 for one can with 4 face towels
Bonus: Double the offer (just pay S&H)
Marketer: IdeaVillage
Producer: Blue Moon Studios
Website: www.SalonBronzeReach.com
Prediction: Likely to succeed

The original Salon Bronze was moderately sucessful, coming in at No. 30 on the JW Annual for 2005. What I like about this new-and-improved version is that it is an even better solution than its predecessor. That "sun gun" design (see below) always struck me as more of a gimmick than a practical idea. But this design is the opposite, more function than form -- and that's a good thing.

The only challenge here is that the category has gotten even more crowded than it was in 2005, so I can't give the project a perfect S7 score. However, the high marks it gets for being truly different could offset that disadvantage.

Besides, one good thing about big, crowded categories: You know consumers are interested.