May 24, 2010

Review: E-Z Bow Maker

Description: A kit for making decorative bows
Main Pitch: "The fastest, easiest bow-making machine ever invented"
Main Offer: $14.95 for one
Bonus: 2nd one (just pay P&H) plus a free Rose Maker
Marketer: Global TV Concepts
Prediction: Bomb

This commercial opens with a question: "Ever try to make your own bow?" The problem is that for most viewers, the answer will be "no." In other words, this campaign fails a critical SciMark Seven criterion: It isn't targeted to a big enough buying group.

That sounds odd given the creator of this item is alleging, "We've already sold over four million [units]." But the shortcoming here is the same one that dooms almost every craft item to failure. While crafters are a passionate group (an "affinity group" in MarketingSpeak) who spend a lot of money on their hobby, reaching them in an efficient way is a real challenge. DRTV, which utilizes remnant mass media, is one of the least efficient ways.

It's akin to using a giant shotgun to take out one person in a crowd.  You'll hit the guy, but you'll also hit a lot of other people as well. And the problem with that, to keep the analogy correct, is the money you wasted on the ammunition that didn't hit your target.