Description: A compact shaver
Main Pitch: "The high performance electric shaver that's smaller than a credit card"
Main Offer: $14.99 for one with free USB adapter
Bonus: 2nd one (just pay a separate fee)
Marketer: Telebrands
Watch the spot
The last attempt to sell a compact shaver was Shave Bullet in the summer of 2013. I didn't like the compact shaver pitch then, and I don't like it now. I can't see any guy choosing what amounts to a travel shaver as his preferred way to shave, and the "smart phone of shavers" concept makes even less sense to me.
S7 Analysis: Let's start with the targeted criterion. From my experience with Titanium Turbo back in 2005, I learned that only a minority of men prefer electric shavers to razors, so those who prefer small, portable electric shavers will be an even smaller segment of a segment. Then there's the uncrowded criterion. Titanium Turbo also taught me that even if an electric shaver is successful on TV, it will get lost in a sea of competitive products once it gets to retail.