Description: Fleece scarf with pockets for microwavable hot packs
Main Pitch: "Keeps you cozy and warm for hours wherever you go"
Main Offer: Two payments of $10 for one in "camel"
Bonus: Second one in black free (just pay separate S&H)
Marketer: Telebrands
Producer: Concepts TV
Website: www.ThermaScarf.com
S7 Score: 6 out of 7
Missing Qualities: Needed (?)
Comments: I put this one is the same category as Snuggie, meaning it's a clever comfort item that would defy the odds if it caught on. You never know.
Description: A guillotine-style chopper for fruits and vegetables
Main Pitch: "Chop 10 times more food 10 times faster with only one simple move"
Main Offer: $19.95 for one
Bonus: N/A
Starring: Chef Ralph Pagano
Marketer: National Express
Website: www.BuyChopHouse.com
S7 Score: 4 out of 7
Missing Qualities: Different, Uncrowded, Motivating (?)
Comments: Despite their lack of success in getting another chopper in this line to work, the Vidalia brand managers clearly do not fear the curse of the line extension. The main pitch reminds me an SAT math problem. Is the correct answer 100?
Description: A step-in container that covers shoes in clear plastic booties
Main Pitch: "The fun and easy way to stop dirt from getting into your house ever again"
Main Offer: $29.95 for one
Bonus: 50 free booties OR upgrade to the wood finish ($49.95) and the booties are free for life (just pay separate S&H)
Producer: Meltzer Media
Website: www.TheShoebee.com
S7 Score: 4 out of 7
Missing Qualities: Needed, Targeted, Motivating (?)
Comments: Unless you're Adrian Monk, this product is going to seem unnecessary. It's also $10 too expensive for DRTV -- maybe $20 in this environment.
Description: Jumper cables that can't be attached incorrectly
Main Pitch: "Makes jumping a dead battery simple, safe and smart"
Main Offer: 2 payments of 19.95 for one set
Bonus: Storage case, 40-piece Smart Toolkit (just pay additional S&H)
Marketer: Michelin
Website: www.BuySmartCables.com
S7 Score: 3 out of 7
Missing Qualities: Needed, Targeted, Uncrowded, Motivating (?)
Comments: Apparently red/black color coordination is too complicated for some people. Unfortunately for Michelin, these people probably can't remember a phone number or find a Web site on their own either. A classic solution in search of a problem.
Prepared by Lynda J. Moore.