Description: A peeler
Main Pitch: "Ever sharp dual-sided blades cut your prep time in half"
Main Offer: $10 for one with recipe book
Bonus: Double the offer (just pay P&H)
Marketer: Ontel
Watch the spot
In 2009, Tristar's Titan Peeler dueled with SAS Group's Samurai Speed Peeler and won (although both made the charts). In October 2014, Ontel brought back the Speed Peeler design with a new twist: dual-sided blades. They called it Miracle Peeler, and the commercial starred Marc Gill. Soon thereafter, Tristar made it a duel by bringing back the Titan Peeler with the same new twist, calling it the Titan Peeler Pro.
From what I can tell, neither item went very far. To further complicate things, IdeaVillage and Vince Offer teamed up around that same time to try another, similar peeler called Da Vinci Pro. In addition to offending a lot of viewers, it also failed.
One year later, Ontel is trying Tristar's item, which doesn't make very much sense to me. This is essentially the same product, same creative and same price with a lesser offer.
S7 Analysis: The three tests in 2014 demonstrated that while different, a dual-sided peeler isn't needed. Even the point of difference may not be enough these days given the original Titan Peeler still sells and is a great, quality item.