October 06, 2014

Clear Control

Description: Adjustable eyeglasses
Main Pitch: "See far or near, crystal clear, with the same pair of glasses"
Main Offer: $19.99 for one
Bonus: Clear Control Sunglasses (just pay a separate fee)
Marketer: Telebrands
Website: www.GetClearControl.com
Prediction: On the fence

In the April edition of Response magazine, I reviewed an IdeaVillage product called Instant 20/20. That site is still live and yet, five months later, we have this project. Is it a 'follower'? A late duel? Or has the project changed hands? And why?

More important, the fuss seems to indicate there is some positive information about this item. That surprises me, but then my only firm conclusion about the first item was that it was $10 too expensive (at $29.99). In both cases, that has been remedied. We'll see what happens.

[Spot is also available here.]