June 08, 2009

Six Current Hits

Before I officially launch my new version of this feature, I need to do some housekeeping and post about a few items that fell through the cracks. These are items that debuted last year in fourth quarter, items for which I never held myself accountable. Several of these items appear to be hits, and several of these same items did not get good reviews from me. So here goes: A little crow appetizer before I tackle January.

Description: A shoe organizer designed like a dresser drawer with a clear cover that zippers closed
Date Reviewed: September 17 (full review)
Product (D7) Score: 6 out of 7
Commercial Rating: Good
No. 6 on the Jordan Whitney, No. 48 on IMS

OK, so I led with one I got right. Then again, betting on AJ and Telebrands in the shoe category isn't exactly going out on a limb.

Description: A closet space-saving device
Date Reviewed: October 22 (full review)
Product (D7) Score: 6 out of 7
Commercial Rating: Good
No. 9 on the Jordan Whitney, No. 49 on IMS

I swear I did not front-load this with items I got right. This just happened to be the next hit from Q4 on the latest Jordan Whitney.

Description: Two combs connected by a decorative netting
Date Reviewed: October 30 (full review)
Product (D7) Score: 6 out of 7
Commercial Rating: Good
No. 12 on the Jordan Whitney, No. 37 on IMS

Check yourself! It's next on the JW. What can I say? Telebrands was on a hot streak, and I could tell.

Description: A triangular tool that makes edging easier
Date Reviewed: October 30 (full review)
Product (D7) Score: 4 out of 7
Commercial Rating: Good
No. 27 on the Jordan Whitney, not on the IMS

OK, now we're getting to it. After three in a row, it seems I blew it on this one. I probably should have known better given that my DRTV "alma mater," IdeaVillage, launched the EdgeMaster back in the day.

Description: Hair-volumizing inserts
Date Reviewed: November 14 (full review)
Product (D7) Score: 3 out of 7
Commercial Rating: OK
No. 24 on the IMS, not on the Jordan Whitney

Ouch. Shows what I know about fashion. It turns out Jersey "high hair," something ladies would have made fun of a few years ago, is now in. I still contend that when "style is involved" the odds of DRTV success decrease because "it's difficult to create a product that appeals to everyone's tastes." But in this case, Allstar hit the trend exactly right. Bumpits is hot!  

Description: A stainless steel water bottle
Date Reviewed: September 17 (full review)
Product (D7) Score: 4 out of 7
Commercial Rating: OK
No. 47 on the IMS, not on the Jordan Whitney

This one is on the borderline of what I consider a hit, since it has only ever been on the IMS and it sits near the bottom of the chart. However, if you had asked me back when I reviewed this if it had any shot, I would have said no. My comments from the review reflect this attitude: "Most people are more than happy with their bottled water, as evidenced by the continued strong sales in the category." And, "studies show most consumers aren't motivated by environmental concerns." And, "Toxic water bottles? Far fetched ... 'prevention doesn't sell.' "

It seems I was wrong on at least one of these counts, and possibly all of them. I intend to keep my eye on this one to see how it fares the rest of the year and at retail. The reason? If it ends up being one of the year's big items, at least one of my long-held theories (prevention doesn't sell, green stuff alone isn't enough) needs to be reconsidered.