Description: A pair of electric tweezers
Main Pitch: "Finds, grabs and removes unwanted hair from the roots, and keeps it from growing back for weeks"
Main Offer: $19.95 for one unit with carry pouch
Bonus: Multi-piece manicure kit (just pay additional S&H)
Marketer: Unknown
Producer: Unknown
Product (D7) Score: 6 out of 7
Commercial Rating: Poor
This product has been done before and done better -- as Tristar's Tweeze. In fact, Tweeze is still on the market and selling strong, from what I can tell.
I rarely give a DRTV spot a rating below "OK," but this one deserves its "poor" rating. With the exception of the animation, it does a terrible job of demonstrating the product. The writing could also use work.
If this campaign does well at all, it will be on the strength of the product and the category. But the bottom line is that this product is two years too late and has no shot against Tweeze at retail, which raises an important question: Why bother?